Friday, February 18, 2011

Steve G Jones

Unlimited Wealth Self-Hypnosis CD       Hypnosis to Change your Life          You Can Attract It
Some of Steve G. Jones' work

This is from a webinar series called Awakening with the Masters that is occurring right now.  To learn more, go to:

I just wanted to get into the meat of what I learned.  He talked about Kundalini energy, Chakras and how they relate to our lives. Yet, before I start paraphrasing what he said, I want to share some of my knowledge of Chakras and Kundalini.  I'm not an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, so if you know more than I do, feel free to leave a comment.

Chakras are centers of energy within our bodies.  Below, he talks about where to find the chakras and what they are a center of.  If all of your chakras are cleared and have no blockages, you are able to be the best person you can be.  If there are blocks, you are hindered from being your true self.

Kundalini energy can be found within our spine.  It's (not physically, but just imagine it is) wrapped around the spinal cord.  When you awaken your Kundalini, you awaken your whole body "everything starts coming alive (quoted from Gurmukh, which is where I got my knowledge of the Kundalini - to check out the video I love to exercise with two or three times a week, click here Kundalini Yoga With Gurmukh)"

Here were the highlights for me (paraphrased from the call):

  • When Chakras are cleared, our Kundalini flows more freely – when raise Kundalini, some people can’t get it calmed down – serpent force – deserves respect and must be used properly – need to settle Kundalini down once done 
  • Meditation can be just sitting of nothing or focused on one idea – free fllow
  • Part of the flow of Chakras is giving (like giving compliments) and receiving compliments can help us receive miracles 
  • Chakras (size of tennis ball) you can’t normally see it, they’re in the metaphysical state.  *This was an exercise he did where he had us lay down and focus on the chakras as he mentioned them and we also needed to notice color as I’m noticing all chakras, so the colors beside the chakras are the colors I noticed when I did the exercise.  However, if anyone knows what the colors mean, please let me know.  He never mentioned what the colors mean in his call.*
  1.  Crown- top of head half above and half below (in brain)– understanding, cosmic consciousness, enlightenment - yellow 
  2. Third Eye – between eyebrows – relate to intuition, psychic ability - green
  3. Throat – near adams apple – communication and creativity - purple
  4. Heart – near heart – compassion for others and myself - green
  5. Solar Plexus – near ribs – vitality, power, energy - green
  6. Sacral – belly button area – intimacy and emotion - purple 
  7. Root – base of spine – security, connectedness, grounding, survival instinct - red
  •  When we clear Chakras, we clear parts in our lives – be aware of where problems arise - Blockages in chakras can be thoughts, impressions, pictures, people we know in our mind while doing the exercise

*He ended with a part of a song I like very much: “Oz never did give nothing to the Tin man that he didn’t … already have.” - America - His point of saying this is that we already have all that we need within us - we don't need to go looking for it outside of us because all the solutions to our problems can be found within us if we think - I mean really think*

You are AWESOME!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dreams a.k.a. Burning Desire

That's an island I could own.  I'd like to own an island someday, but I want one that's already developed.  Wouldn't it be AWESOME to have a family vacation to your own island.  I have SO many other dreams as well, but this is a picture that I downloaded.  I can't remember from where, but I'm sure you could find it if you Googled "own an island."

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you HAD to have it?  When I was growing up, I don't think I allowed myself to dream that deeply, so the first time I remember a burning desire was in college.  We had an activity with a church group where it was a race and scavenger hunt.  Each of our names was put into a bowl and we each chose someone else's name.  The person whose name we had was the person we were supposed to chase after.  When we found a time to do it, we would touch them and say, "Gotcha."  I remember finding reasons to see these people just so I could get their card.  Then once I got their card, I would start chasing the person they were chasing next.  At the end of the game, I won.  Everyone was SO surprised because I was generally a book worm and not into that type of thing.  I didn't even get the prize because, to me, seeing the reaction of everyone when I won WAS the prize.

Now, that example really didn't matter in the scheme of life, but it was a BURNING desire.  When was the first, or latest, time you've felt BURNING desire? 

Napoleon Hill says it's key to achieving anything worthwhile.  Skip Ross says that in order to achieve any goal, you need three things: 1. Think of what you REALLY want, 2. Infuse all of your energy into it, 3. Write it down.  Even if you KNOW what it is- it's ESSENTIAL to write it down.

Again mentioning Napoleon Hill, in Think and Grow Rich, he mentions a sure fire way to achieve your dreams (he mainly mentions financial, but you can adapt it to other types of riches).  He also talks about figuring out what you REALLY want and writing it down.  He takes it a step farther than Skip Ross, however.  He recommends you read this statement, written in positive and present tense, out loud while FEELING as if you had already acheived that goal.

Sorry to cut this short, but I need to do that right now with my new goal.

You are AWESOME!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Purpose - what's yours?

The Purpose DrivenĀ® Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?
This is not an easy thing to discover - some spend their whole lives looking for it and others never find it.  I remember when I worked in a nursing home, the halls and rooms were filled with people who didn't have a purpose.  Not that none of them had a purpose, but many of them didn't.  As a Recreation Therapist, part of my job was to help find something for the residents to do, but that was just temporary.  Purpose is something you have to find on your own.

I've been learning and thinking a lot about purpose and what mine is.  I think, as my life evolves, so will my purpose.  I have some inklings as to what I'm intended to do while I'm here, but I'm not quite sure how and when these things will happen.  Good thing I'm a work in progress.  I love listening to Robert Allen each day when he says, "When I'm the me I was meant to be, I'm awesome."  That's a very non-threatening way of inspiring us to live up to our potential.

Above is an AMAZING book that may help you with figuring out your purpose - if you choose to accept it.
I try to live my life on purpose everyday, but I often find myself getting distracted by so many things.  I know that focus is one of the keys to success, so why do I let myself get distracted by things that aren't related to my purpose?  I don't know, but I'm daily trying to master focus.

You are AWESOME!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: Right People Art Poster Print, 16x16
Martin Luther King I Have A Dream 24x36 Poster Print, 24x36 
As most of us in the USA know, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  For those of you who don't know who he is or why he has a holiday named after him, I'll tell you.  He was a Human Rights activist who fought for rights specifically of Black people.  In those days, Blacks went to their own schools, couldn't vote, drank out of their own drinking fountains, sat in the back of public buses and things like that.  His most famous speech was entitled, "I Have a Dream."  You can read, or reread it here: MLK or you can watch it here: YouTube

Yes, there were others, many others, who contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.  I'm not trying to discount them.  I'm only trying to honor one man who did much good in this country on this day.

You are AWESOME!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Self-Made Wealth

Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment 
I found a couple of his videos very inspiring because they were not only talking about business, but being successful in life.  I hope my notes from these videos make sense.  To view the actual videos, click here

Most important ways for me to become more value: 1. Learn more about English language and how to use it properly to connect with more people, 2. Learn more about verbal and non-verbal communication , 3. Marketing – communicate my full story to others, 4. Selling – LEARN HOW to do it genuinely – consultative selling – let me ask you some questions and see if what I have is a fit and sell solutions, 5. Public Speaking- we fear it more than death oftentimes – rejection triggers same pain center that physical pain does – MAKE IT HAPPEN – failure is an idea that humans created – look for the lessons in every failure – when I mess up, tell people as soon as possible and make them feel comfortable finding mistakes – make it a game – Evitability Thinking – set things up so success happens itself instead of trying to make it happen – who can we bring in to help us solve the problems – create the conditions so success will happen automatically – What can I do to make success inevitable? – learn to be good goal-setter and problem-solver both – set up conditions to make sure success happens – accountability partner and give $100 if you don’t show up – focus on large blocks of time -His Productivity Pyramid – 1. No or negative value,2. Low monetary value, 3. High Dollar Per Hour Value, 4. High Lifetime Value (I need to be proactive about) – Look for prospects who are looking for me – Direct Response Marketing (people who give direct response after an interview) –

You are AWESOME!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Caring People

Caring for God's People (Integrating Spirituality Into Pastoral Counseling)

I was listening to K-LOVE again today and heard an inspiring story that I wanted to share.

Recently some grandparents had heard that their 3-year old grandchild was killed by the mother's live-in boyfriend (OK, that's not inspiring - keep reading).  The mother decided to donate the boy's organs to other people who needed it.  The grandfather wanted to be around for moral support and to offer whatever help he could. 

The couple went to the airport 2 hrs early, but still barely made the first plane, for whatever reason.  The grandfather, because of some delayed layovers was about to miss the last plane that got him to his final plane to get to his final destination.  He should have missed his plane.  He arrived at the gate 12 minutes late.  Yet, what he found at the gate shocked him.  He found the gate attendant and the plane still there.  The gate attendant asked, "Are you Mark?" to which the grandfather replied in the affirmative.  "The pilot held the plane for you."  When Mark asked to speak to the pilot (who had apparently heard of the situation), the pilot replied, "The plane wasn't  going to leave without me and I wasn't going to leave without you."

What a great example of how much God loves each and every one of us and how He loves it when we love others as He would.  Thank God for caring people.

You are AWESOME!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Haiti National Country Flag - 3 foot by 5 foot Polyester (New)
Haiti Flag - read below

So, things are a little different in my life today.  My husband and I had a talk -an accounting on the goal we made 6 months ago.  For me, it didn't go well.  I hoped it wouldn't come down to that, but it did. 

Because things went the way they did, it got me to thinking about why my business hasn't been as profitable as I had hoped, and I realized that there are things I know I need to do that I haven't been doing.  Over and over again, I keep hearing that I need to do the same things.  It just takes time and I was hoping for something to happen quicker. 

I also realized that in addition to not doing the right things, maybe I simply didn't work hard enough.  I recently watched a movie, Where the Red Fern Grows, where the main character wanted two hunting dogs so badly.  He said that when you have a goal this big and ask God to help you, you do all the work and He provides the strength and opportunity.  I don't know how true that is since I haven't achieved my big goal yet, but maybe it is, and maybe I was relying on Him too much to perform the miracle, but I wasn't working hard enough.  I feel like I was working hard enough, but apparently not.

I also realize that I maybe wasn't reading enough inspirational books and listening to enough motivational CDs.  I was so focused (at times) on acheiving my goal that I didn't take time to "sharpen the saw" as Stephen R. Covey would say.  With exercise, eating healthy, taking care of my baby, working on my business, reading, listening, serving (where I can), etc. - there's just WAY too much to do that I thought I could cut that out, but I guess that wasn't the best idea.

I've also heard, time and time again, about Napolean Hill's way to make any goal (mainly financial, however): Write it down, be specific, put a date on it and write a positive statement with all the previous components in a positive statement and read it out loud with passion twice a day.  I do it sometimes, but I'm not very consistent.  I need to become more consistent - starting today, once I figure out my next goal.

I know it's the beginning of the year, the time when people start thinking about goals.  I just found out an interesting fact, sortof related and sortof not: It has been one year as of today since the calamities that occurred in Haiti.  Their flag is the picture above.  It's clear to see, I'm not the only one restructuring.

You are AWESOME!