Some of Steve G. Jones' work
This is from a webinar series called Awakening with the Masters that is occurring right now. To learn more, go to:
I just wanted to get into the meat of what I learned. He talked about Kundalini energy, Chakras and how they relate to our lives. Yet, before I start paraphrasing what he said, I want to share some of my knowledge of Chakras and Kundalini. I'm not an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, so if you know more than I do, feel free to leave a comment.
Chakras are centers of energy within our bodies. Below, he talks about where to find the chakras and what they are a center of. If all of your chakras are cleared and have no blockages, you are able to be the best person you can be. If there are blocks, you are hindered from being your true self.
Kundalini energy can be found within our spine. It's (not physically, but just imagine it is) wrapped around the spinal cord. When you awaken your Kundalini, you awaken your whole body "everything starts coming alive (quoted from Gurmukh, which is where I got my knowledge of the Kundalini - to check out the video I love to exercise with two or three times a week, click here Kundalini Yoga With Gurmukh
Here were the highlights for me (paraphrased from the call):
- When Chakras are cleared, our Kundalini flows more freely – when raise Kundalini, some people can’t get it calmed down – serpent force – deserves respect and must be used properly – need to settle Kundalini down once done
- Meditation can be just sitting of nothing or focused on one idea – free fllow
- Part of the flow of Chakras is giving (like giving compliments) and receiving compliments can help us receive miracles
- Chakras (size of tennis ball) you can’t normally see it, they’re in the metaphysical state. *This was an exercise he did where he had us lay down and focus on the chakras as he mentioned them and we also needed to notice color as I’m noticing all chakras, so the colors beside the chakras are the colors I noticed when I did the exercise. However, if anyone knows what the colors mean, please let me know. He never mentioned what the colors mean in his call.*
- Crown- top of head half above and half below (in brain)– understanding, cosmic consciousness, enlightenment - yellow
- Third Eye – between eyebrows – relate to intuition, psychic ability - green
- Throat – near adams apple – communication and creativity - purple
- Heart – near heart – compassion for others and myself - green
- Solar Plexus – near ribs – vitality, power, energy - green
- Sacral – belly button area – intimacy and emotion - purple
- Root – base of spine – security, connectedness, grounding, survival instinct - red
- When we clear Chakras, we clear parts in our lives – be aware of where problems arise - Blockages in chakras can be thoughts, impressions, pictures, people we know in our mind while doing the exercise
*He ended with a part of a song I like very much: “Oz never did give nothing to the Tin man that he didn’t … already have.” - America - His point of saying this is that we already have all that we need within us - we don't need to go looking for it outside of us because all the solutions to our problems can be found within us if we think - I mean really think*
You are AWESOME!