Friday, December 31, 2010

Successes in business in 2010 so far

A success in my professional job carreer b4 I found this

Even though many things haven't gone right, other things have.  I wanted to focus on the positive things.  In my opinion (and many others who believe in the Law of Attraction's opinion), if I focus on the positive, I'll attract more positive into my life.  I wanted to give you a list of those things that have gone well.
  • I got incorporated during the summer, so I'm legal and get good tax benefits.
  • I learned how to blog and how to make money blogging as well. 
  • I finally bought a domain (
  • My website is beginning to be built.
  • I'm learning and growing a TON about SEO, PPC, PPV, affiliate marketing, etc.
  • I found a business that is TRULY at at home business (not a work-at-home job.  I want to stray away from jobs) that I can do while my baby sleeps (affiliate marketing.  Ask me if you want to know more).  What's more, I can help people while making money!
  • Everyday, I'm getting closer to living the life of my dreams (to view what that is, see the next post).
  • I'm learning to be more focused.  When you only have a few hours (when your baby sleeps) to work on a business, you have to learn to do what's MOST important and ONLY what's most important- that' s all the time you have.
I'm including this post on one of my other blogs as well because it deals with ,my business (

Click here to find out more about my business - some of the products offered and suggestions to help.

You are AWESOME!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kindness and Beauty

Practice Random Acts of Kindness & Senseless Acts

I just had the opportunity to give one of my friends who I've never met, Natalie Ledwell, feedback for her upcoming book.   She asked a couple of questions and, though I didn't have the best answers for her, I felt happy to help someone out whom I admire.  I like to help people however I can.  Obviously, my time is limited (I only have 24 hours each day) and my money only goes so far (no matter how much), but I can do a little.

This reminds me of an inspirational story I once heard.  It was of a man picking starfish off the beach.  He would pick one up and throw it back into the ocean.  This man continued to pick one up and throw it back into the ocean.  Another man came looked to see how many more starfish were on the beach.  He asked the other man why he bothered - there were so many starfish.  How could he possibly make a difference?  The first man said that he made a difference to that one.

My point of all of this is that you can't be everything to the world, but you can be something to somebody.  In fact, you can be the world to somebody.  I know that's the case with my son.  He LOVES people, but no matter how many people he comes in contact with each day, mommy's his best friend.  I'm not only his best friend, but also source of food (in two ways), maid to clean up after him and his favorite playmate.

No matter how many people and how many ways we CAN'T help that we would like to (whether it be with time, money or other resources), there are that many if not more ways we CAN help.  Giving a smile or compliment is something we all can do, no matter how strapped for cash or time we are.  We can give up a seat on a bus or train.  We can do SO much more than we realize. 

Please, just try to do what you CAN do - many will thank you for it.  You will feel better, too.

You are AWESOME!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas - What I Learned

I Miss You: A First Look At Death 
 Well, I've known this before, but now that I have a child of my own, it makes more sense: Christmas is for children.  Once you become an adult, parents figure that you can handle it if you don't get the same amount or same cost for toys as when you're a kid.  I was talking to two family members who have three-year-olds and they were mentioning how their children were so excited for Christmas that they haven't slept or ate well the past few days or week.

Another thing I learned is that sometimes Christmas is a day to work.  Some of my family went to a movie, but I stayed behind because I have a project related to my business that I'm working on and that time was perfect because my son was asleep and the house was quiet.  I liked being uninterrupted and not having to worry about missing out spending time with family (I was for a little bit, but games are more my way of spending time with family rather than movies - unless I'm alone with my husband).

Another thing I learned again this year, but have known for a while, was that the anticipation of Christmas is often more fun than the actual day.  Don't get me wrong, it was fun spending time with family, but I always hope for more in the present department.  I was hoping for SOME money, but that didn't happen.

OK, so enough talking about Christmas but not really inspiring you.  Here's the inspiring part.  My grandpa passed away this past year in May and we were all given a picture with he and some of his best quotes.  That really inspired me and made me wonder what my life will stand for.  Have you ever wondered what people will say about you after you die.  What do you want others to say about you?  Have you ever written your obituary?  I challenge you to write your obituary of how you WANT to be remembered and live up to that obituary every day you're alive and people WILL say that about you after you die.

You are AWESOME!

Friday, December 24, 2010

You Wealth Revolution

Click Here for more information

 I'm sure if you have been reading my posts, you have noticed that many of the posts are based on You Wealth Revolution.  What is You Wealth Revolution?  It's an interactive series of webinars (seminars on the internet) from some of the top leaders in healing and personal development today.  I have included a list of the speakers on whom I wrote blog posts in the right sidebar, but I will also include them here, at the bottom of the post. In this post, it's just a list, but in the sidebar, you can click on each one

These dates are for 2010, so You Wealth Revolution is over, but not really.  Darius (Barazandeh - one of the speakers and also the host) is continually giving more - either more speakers or more special deals.  You can (until tonight, Dec. 24, 2010) still listen to some of the speakers and take advantage of their amazing deals.  If, however, you read this blog post after tomorrow, you can still take advantage of the sale.  Darius is still selling an MP3 downloadable version (and more - he'll tell you what else) of all of the webinars in the You Wealth Revolution for 2010.  To find out about this deal on the AMAZING webinars I've only given a FRACTION of the information presented, Click here!

There were many topics presented in the You Wealth Revolution webinars - from health, abundance, relationships, success, emotional and physical healing, money to biochemical differences between men and women and letting go of baggage in your life.  There were many that talked about similar methods but had different techniques.  I had heard of some of these things before, but I was amazed at how much I still learned.  These leaders had so much to share and just gave from their hearts.

When I mentioned earlier about this being an interactive webinar, there were two ways it was interactive.  Number one: there were people listening to the call who asked questions and had them answered on the call and number two: there was a Facebook sharing blog for comments and summaries of the calls.  I have added about five Facebook friends and 3 followers on this blog based on You Wealth Revolution.   It was just a way to meet like-minded people. It was actually from You Wealth Revolution that I decided to start this blog.

This is DEFINITELY a life-changing event, if you allow it to be.  Some of the speakers that helped change my life through this event include:

  • Darius Barazandeh
  • Ellie Drake
  • Brent Phillips - Part 1 and Part 2
  • Wendy Robbins
  • Larry Crane
  • John Assaraf
  • Carol Look
  • Ann Taylor
  • Symeon Rodgers
  • Rich German 
  • Peggy McColl
  • Nick Ortner
  • T. Harv Eker
  • Natalie Ledwell
  • Alex Loyd
  • Adam King
  • Satyen Raja
  • Chris Howard
  • Scott Martineau
  • Bradley Nelson
  • Jim Kwik
  • Kim Castle
  • Sam Crowley
  • Armand Morin
  • Baeth Davis
  • Marci Shimoff
  • David Wolfe
You are AWESOME!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Helping People - I like it

It's a Wonderful Life [Blu-ray]

I just was researching free ways I could advertise my blogs and I discovered (again) Yahoo! Answers.  I just spent the past two hours answering peoples' questions while promoting my products.  I felt like I was actually helping people with something they're struggling with instead of just finding people to buy products so I can make money and become a millionaire.

I would prefer knowing a little about people I'm helping and selling to rather than just making money.  Life is too short, in my opinion, to just make money.  I think helping others is one of the purposes of life.  I think it makes us all feel good when we help others.

It's always fun to learn something new about someone you've never met.  I even feel better when I can actually change a life or someone's day.  I think we all feel this way.  If not, why would we watch It's a Wonderful Life or why would the same story be recreated  so many different ways at different times.  I know my husband likes to watch that movie every Christmas Eve (It's almost time again for that annual tradition).  We all would like to change the world.  If I'm wrong, please tell me and I will humbly admit defeat.  If, however, I'm right, tell me how you would like to change the world.

You are AWESOME!  You CAN change the world!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brent Phillips - part two - healing

 This was another call on the You Wealth Revolution set of calls.  This time, he actually used some of his Theta healing techniques to heal those on the call.  He explained on the last call that when he first learned about Theta healing, he learned about it one on one - where one healer is with one patient.  He wanted to do more than that; he wanted to reach out to multiple people at the same time.  Then, he learned about remote Theta healing, so he didn't even have to be in the same room as the person he's trying to heal, so he could do healing on webinars and help multiple people in places he wasn't.

Now that I've set up a little of what he does, let's get down to the healing.  This is paraphrased from the call. 
With Theta, we can bypass the conscious mind with muscle testing.  If you’re familiar with muscle testing, use the method that works best for you.  If not, use the easiest testing he says to learn.  

To do this, stand to the north, feet shoulder distance apart and “zip up your field” before every question.  To zip up your field, start at your root chakra with a hand (doesn't matter which) and act like you’re zipping up a sleeping bag all the way up to your head.  Then, either ask a question or make a statement out loud.  If the answer is yes, you will (most likely) feel your body swaying forward, and for a no, it will sway backward.   To see if it’s working, say out loud “yes” and then “no”.  Do this if you ever feel something a little off to recalibrate.  

The questions he asked and did Theta Healing while on the call are (say out loud): 
1. I know what it feels like to be completely loved (mine was "no" to begin with, which surprised me.  Then I gave him permission to heal me and then the answer was "yes").
2. I know what it feels like to completely love (mine was "yes"). 
3. I know what joy feels like (mine was "yes"). 
4. I know what it feels like to be completely healthy (mine was "no" then "yes" which suprised me because I try to be very healthy). 
5. I know what unconditional love feels like (mine was "yes"). 
6. I know what it feels like to receive or accept a healing (mine was "yes") 
7. I am worthy of the Creator’s love (that took me two tries to get a "yes" which also surprised me, but maybe that's where some blocks are.  I don't know).

If after any question the answer is no, give Brent the permission to heal that (out loud or subconsciously) and then say the statement out loud again and see if it is yes.  You may have to give Brent permission to heal you a few times.  Giving consent for Brent to heal you is absolutely vital because this process only works with consent. 

This was a very interesting process for me and hopefully it will be for you too.

You are AWESOME!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Game of Life             
I don't know how your life goes, but it seems that every step in my life prepares me for the next step, sortof like the game of Life.  Right now, I keep learning more and more about affiliate marketing.  The more I learn about affiliate marketing, the more I realize I have already learned.  I have been working with a coaching company for the past  several months helping me learn to blog.

There are many steps in this coaching and in each step, it taught me another thing about blogging and how to promote my blog as well as create content rich enough to be ranked higher with Google.  In case you're curious, this is my second blog, and I haven't quite used all the steps I used on that blog yet.  Click here to visit my other blog.

My point in mentioning this is that I have attempted many businesses since then and it seems like everything I do to promote those other blogs/websites comes back to what I learned with this coaching program.  So, it didn't directly help me build a business, but it helped teach me the foundation steps so I can be more successful with other businesses. 

It reminds me a lot of the movie The Karate Kid (or if you prefer the original The Karate Kid Collection (Four Film Set)).  If you're not familiar with the movie, I definitely recommend watching it.  Basically what happens in part of it is this kid wants to learn Karate and this teacher teaches him karate lessons by building a foundation on what he needed to know without the kid being aware that he was learning karate.  I can understand how he felt.  When I started learning about blogging, I was doing all of theses steps that I thought were useless and time-consuming.  I though, "When am I going to start making money?  Why am I doing all of these steps that aren't making me money?"

If you don't want advice, don't read any further.  My advice to anyone who's in a similar boat, feeling like what you're doing isn't giving you the results you want right away, BE PATIENT.  If you're working with mentors who know what they're teaching, trust them and keep following their counsel, even if things are taking a little longer than you'd like.  Also, if you don't understand why others are telling you to do certain things that have worked to help them be successful (in whatever area of life in which they ARE successful), follow and trust anyway.  It will make sense later.

You are AWESOME!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brent Phillips

  • You Wealth – realization that wealth comes from within me
  • The vast majority of our power is in our subconscious mind
  •  We’re full of subconscious programming.  We may not know consciously what we believe.  With Theta healing, we can bypass conscious mind and ask questions of the cellular memory with muscle testing.
  • Software of the soul= subconscious mind
  •  It’s as simple as unlocking my own subconscious mind and debugging myself inside and out
  • Formula for miracles - Audio program will shift my brain into a Theta state and removes subconscious blocks while I’m listening
  • Weight Loss- Emotional clearing of subconscious, physical cleansing, strategic eating, sensible exercise
  •  Time Bending- My conscious mind can change the flow of time – our minds can speed up and slow down time – we can take conscious control of an unconscious process –
  •  Don’t get attached to a particular result, but be open to different outcomes – be patient and don’t expect things to happen overnight – my reality is created by my subconscious mind

You are AWESOME!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kindness - Small acts of

Small Acts of Kindness
Though I did mention one of my frustrations in one of my posts My Christmas Wish, I DO notice kindness, especially around this time of year.  I noticed people being more compassionate to others and their plight.  This time of year when people are struggling, others notice.  Sub for Santas are even common.  Most times a year, many pretend not to care, but around Christmas, people care.  I like this concern for others.  I'm glad when we show love and consideration.  

I think many people live a life of quiet desperation and I am inspired when we can reach out to others in times of need.  Most times are, in fact, times of need for most of us.  We need people and they need us.  My hope is that we can all be kind to one another year-round.

You are AWESOME!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Robert Allen - think about these four

Empower Yourself!....and Your Downline (How to Achieve Unlimited Success) I have this book on CD and it is AMAZING!  There is SO much to inspire me.  Today, I was listening it and he talked about life's purpose.  When you have an hour, he HIGHLY recommends doing this exercise.

He recommends you get a sheet of paper and split it in four.  On each of the four corners, he recommends writing: 1. What do I love to do? 2. What am I good at? 3. What is important to me? 4. What was I BORN to do?

Underneath each of the four categories, write your top seven answers.  Rank them all in order of importance to you (there is no right and wrong, just your way).  With this information, it's time to write a purpose statement.  If you can, boil it down to one sentence and read that sentence multiple times a day.  This will help you keep on track and make decisions based on your purpose.

You are AWESOME!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Facing the Giants

Facing the GiantsThis movie is a very inspirational one about a football team and coach that are struggling to make their way in the world, then God steps in and changes everything.  This is my husband's favorite movie, I'm sure because of the football.  It's one of my favorites because it shows what God can do in someone's life who decides to trust in Him.

Some of the highlights of this movie for me are:

  • "We praise God when we win and we praise God when we loose."
  • "Are you giving it your VERY BEST?!"
  • "What's impossible with God on your side?!"
  • "God's not through with you yet.  Bloom where you're planted."
  • "I think God may work a miracle tonight."

You are AWESOME!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Learning from Amway

Amway: The True Story of the Company that Transformed the Lives of Millions
Click on link if curious   

 I've been a part of Amway for a while, including promoting a product called Ribbon (see the next blog post).  I learned many things about selling and myself.  I just thought I'd share what might benefit others.  I learned this from books, my mentors and myself. Let me know if it helps.
  • Always show up 15 minutes early to appts, or at least leave wherever I am to PLAN to be 15 min early.
  • Act professional on phone always and SMILE (they can hear it through my voice)
  • Send thank you notes the day I do a presentation
  • My personal website is:
  • Learn basics, then ACT!
  • Ask, “If I have an incentive program you like better, would you consider switching?”
  • Ask after presentation and told no (for sales companies), “If it improved your sales, would you consider it?”
  • For all other companies, if told no after presentation because of price, ask, “Is that the only thing stopping you from trying the product? What if I could make a deal with you to get you to try it out?”
  • When I go out to contact, act NOT TO make it happen (I can’t make anything happen without the Lord’s help), but ACT TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS THE LORD ALREADY HAS FOR ME IF I WILL JUST DO THE WORK – FEEL HAPPY AND GRATEFUL.  If there’s no other time I focus on the Secret, focus on it at this time!
  • Bring the Secret and All Business is Show Business each time I contact, for fuel if I get down and don’t want to keep going.
  • If person forgets appt., just be cool and re-explain what is happening with Ribbon.
  • As soon as I get home from contacting businesses in person, organize leads, or they pile up quick and I begin to forget their story that day.
  • After I organize leads, look in phone book for others I didn’t get contact info. for, take a break (or nap), and start calling THAT day!  Many gatekeepers give me info. on when they’ll be available later on that day
  • Bring #s with me for appointment in case there’s a problem.
  • if needed – short amount of time – fax ATTN: Dan) follow instructions needed on booth sheet.
  • Prepare my field to receive the rain.  Give God everything I’ve got and leave the results to Him.
  • I can do this!  I can teach others to do DITTO, and I just need to expose these products to others.  WhenEVER I sell products (maybe to Ribbon and maybe not), give samples – I still have Artistry samples, XS, and can buy sample bottles.
  • Place “Shiny New Object” then on the next page deliver with a story
  • How to talk to people and ask leading questions, without making them suspicious
  • FORM – Family Occupation Recreation Message/Money – get people talking about themselves and ask, “So, have you ever thought of doing your own thing?” and leave it at that and talk to them about it later.  Listen for product needs.  Only talk to them about business if they mention how it might be beneficial to them.  Start with “well, in that case…”  Ask questions that will get me more information – “Oh really, why’s that?” or “What makes you say that?” or “How does that change things for you?”  MAKE PEOPLE FEEL COMFORTABLE  - I used to be good at that, I’ve gotta get good at that again – think of what questions Jesus might ask in order to get a greater love for people, or one of the greats in the business world
  • I’m acting the part I want – I’m an actress daily
  • Understanding comes from studying
You are AWESOME!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bob Proctor - 11 Forgotten Laws

Click Here to find out more
 If you liked the Secret, but couldn't get the Law of Attraction to work for you - YET, this may be what you're looking for.  I could try and sell you on it the normal tactics everyone else tries, but I'd rather tell you some of what I learned from when I listened to the recordings.  I learned a lot more, but you'll have to check it out for yourself to learn more.

  • We can only truly get the results in life we want if we really understand what the Law is and how to put it into action.
  • Most thoughts need to be directed toward what we really want - from the depths of our soul.
  • Change is hard and requires effort and thought.  As we discovered in the last chapter, "95% of people would rather die than think."
  • Feel happy and grateful for having received my dream circumstances daily - write it down in every area of my life and act as if it has already occurred.
  • If you give willingly, that's the only way you can truly receive.
  • Appreciate money I have to get more - speak my gratitude.
  • We are stopping our dreams from coming though because of our thoughts and actions - we need to let the goodness flow like a river.
  • Mary Morrissey's definition of forgiveness: A shift in perception that removes a block in me to my awareness of love's presence.
  • We have to decide what we want and what we're willing to pay for it.
  • Our souls know what are right and wrong, but often our bodies get distracted.  We need to obey what we feel inside rather than what makes sense.
 You are AWESOME!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ellie Drake

Ellie is AMAZING in what she discovered.  This whole post is about the difference in motivation (biochemically) between men and women.  This is important for women to know so we know how to properly motivate ourselves (I know I've been doing it ALL wrong) and it's important for men trying to motivate the women in their lives (wives, mothers, co-workers, etc.) to know how to work differently with women than men.  She also explains some of our body and how it works.

As most of us already know, here are two nervous systems of our body: Sympathethic and Parasympathetic.

Sympathetic Pathway is when our body thinks it's in danger (fight or flight mechanism).  When we are in this state our brain tells hypothalamic mechanism to secrete hormone adrenaline.  This is the success hormone for men, but NOT for women.  This goes back to the days when men were hunters and gatherers and hunted for food and needed adrenaline to accomplish this.  Women stayed home and took care of the home.

Parasympathetic Pathway (Ellie names this to "tend and befriend") is how we our in our normal state of being, without danger present.  This is the best state for women, to be calm all of the time.  If a woman is in so much a state of adrenaline, then her body can’t process the adrenaline so it creates more body fat (to store the adrenaline away from the organs).  Too much adrenaline (from stress and busyness) also causes body to produce cortisol that is stored in fat as well.

One thing is MOST important for success is consistency and when not consistent, I have doubts and are not able to be as consistent.  Parasympathetic system is needed to feel calm and confident.  From what Ellie described, it sounds like most women LIVE in the Sympathetic Nervous System state - taking kids to and from activities, often going to work, cooking, cleaning and wearing all the hats we do.

What Ellie tells is the KEY prosperity hormone for women: Oxytocin.  Oxytocin is secreted in Parasympathetic Pathway.  In a birthing sense, oxytocin allows cervix to open and baby to come out and allows milk to let down- connection between mother and baby.  Since we are nurturers by birth, we are intended to be in a state of being calm in order to have our best success in life.  Another way Ellie describes us as women being successful: Creating and having an abundance of oxytocin in our body allows us to fulfill our purpose.  It’s like giving birth to that purpose, bonding with our purpose.

Similarly, Ellie describes what happens some times when a mother doesn't produce enough milk for her baby.  She states that when a mother is stressed about not having enough milk, she restricts her body from producing Oxytocin and milk.
There are three categories of learning for women: 1. Over-adrenaline – TOO driven and SO results and goal-oriented, 2. Women who do nothing, 3. Hybrid – living in Oxytocin and contributing beyond themselves

Almost 100% of the affirmations that are taught increase adrenaline, which, as a reminder is great for men but not for women.  This could be keeping us stuck and fat.  An example affirmation for men: I am a money magnet.  The best alternative for women: I trust that it is now safe to embody my prosperity.  Basically what we as women need to do is create success by letting our body know it's safe to be doing what we're doing.

The intake of breath is telling our body that we need more adrenaline, so the inhale is best for men.  In contrast, exhale for women lets our body know we are safe.  TRY THIS: For women allow a deep breath (instead of making the breath come in our bodies) in and exhale with a pleasurable sound.   This is called an Oxy Breath.  She recommends 70 oxy breaths a day.  Any time she scans her body and feels any level of resistance, she knows she’s about to have adrenaline, so she does an oxy breath to tell her body it’s safe.  How you walk and sit can also release oxytocin.  For a woman, there is never too much oxytocin.  More oxytocin helps us feel connected to our purpose in life. 

There are three components to Ellie’s purpose: 1. Personal – Ellie’s personal purpose is: “I am growing, blossoming and evolving as a woman.”  Make sure it has oxytocin attached to it and not adrenaline, 2. Professional – Ellie’s professional purpose is: “I am holding the space for other women to blossom into their professional purpose,” 3. Global – “I am holding a space for women to rising above conflict and into collaboration in this context of oxytocin.”

So basically as a summary, for men adrenaline is needed for success.  Men can be more creative, energetic and persuasive (hopefully in a good way) with adrenaline.  Conversely, women need more oxytocin and to avoid adrenaline in most circumstances.  In every day life, women need to look to create more oxytocin in our lives.  We can do this by oxy breaths, or any other thing that helps us feel calm and collected.  With more oxytocin, we women are more sure of ourselves and not stressed.  When we become stressed, our body is beginning to create adrenaline in our bodies.  We also need to motivate ourselves (including through positive affirmations) in a way that we still feel safe. To end, men and women are just motivated differently.

You are AWESOME!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Only Positives

Positive Words For Couples: A-Z (Primary Series )

 I keep relearning, but not reapplying, a certain lesson.  I feel like I need to always speak my mind.  Yet, that need to speak my mind often gets a foot caught in my mouth.  My marriage is not perfect and, instead of stating what's right with my husband, I often state to him what I don't like about our marriage or him. 

My husband wants to improve, but I think it's hard for him when no matter what he does, it doesn't feel like it's enough.  I often feel like what I do is not enough either, and maybe that is blamed on him instead of taking responsibility for my own feelings.

I have heard many times before to only focus on the positives, yet I find myself slipping back into focusing on the negatives.  Skip Ross mentions a challenge that he likes to give whenever he speaks.  He invites couples to totally eliminate all criticism, including constructive criticism, of their spouse for 90 days.  For singles, he invites them to eliminate all criticism of the person who repels them the most.  He has gotten many complaints and criticism from others, but those who choose to take his challenge find a vast improvement in their relationship. 

I heard a story about marriage, I don't remember where.  It was a couples' anniversary (probably 50th or 60th) and the grandchildren, getting close to marriage age themselves asked their grandmother one question: "What has kept your marriage alive so long?"  The grandmother said, "I told myself that when I married your grandfather I would forgive 10 of his biggest faults all of the time."  The grandchildren were now curious, "What were the top 10?" The grandmother smiled and said, "I don't know.  I never brought myself to writing them down.  Whenever he did something that annoyed me I just said to myself, 'good thing that's one of the ten' "  I think there's a lot to be said about that philosophy - one I might attempt.

Let us love a little more and criticize a little less.  Let us hug a little more and hold resentment a little less.  Let us praise a little more and whine a little less.  Let us give the word of praise and try to uplift and upbuild, as Skip Ross also said.  Another great man, Brett Dimler, said, "Those who praise their husbands until their husbands' self-esteem gets healed often become very wealthy women....We need each other."

We all are working on becoming better.  I think many of us are painfully aware of what we're doing wrong and often forget what we do right.  I'm going to take Skip Ross's challenge.  Please join me and let's work together in making this world a better place to live.

You are AWESOME!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Christmas Wish

No, that was a Christmas wish over 4 yrs ago ;)

My Christmas wish this year stems from a walk I took with my son today.  I like to say hi to everyone I pass- I don't really know why.  I just know that we're all God's children and every person deserves my care and consideration  just for that simple fact.  Many people either looked at me funny or ignored me as we passed each other.  Others, however, smiled warmly. 

It seems like many people these days just go about their daily business and don't notice others around them.  We were all put on this earth at this time in this place for a reason.  Maybe there's someone in your path today whom you can help.  I'm not perfect at this, but I'm constantly praying for an opportunity to help someone I meet.

I'm not saying all of this to say, "Look at me, aren't I wonderful!"  I'm saying this because I'm setting up my Christmas wish.  I wish that more people would notice those around them and give a little nod, smile or hi.  We are creatures who love to feel like we belong, even from a stranger.  I wish more people would just be kind to others, not because they want something in return, but just because it's the right thing to do.

My other Christmas wish is that people would pick up after themselves.  Please don't litter.  This earth is ours to share and we only have one earth, so, please treat it with respect.  We can't do everything, but we CAN do something.

I know many of you are doing these things, but for those of you who aren't, please help fulfill my Christmas wish.  It doesn't cost you any money, but everyone can do it.  Thank you for reading.

You are AWESOME!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good, Better, Best

Good, Better, Best: Trade Secrets for Spotting a "Find"

There was a talk a little while ago by one of my church leaders named Dallin H. Oaks.  This is similar to the Simplify blog post, but I was just thinking about this today and I think many people need a reminder.

Basically what I learned from the talk is that in any given day, at any given time, we have many choices of what to do.  Many of those choices are good choices, but not better or the best things we can do with our time.  Some of those choices are better choices than the good choices, but not as good as the best choices.  The best choices are what is MOST important for you to do with your time.

I find the good choices are plentiful (like Facebook and Twitter - it's good to move my business forward and connect with friends, but it can also eat up a lot of time that I need to spend on other things).  The better choices are not as abundant (like cleaning - not fun, but needs to be done), but are still plentiful.  Yet, the BEST things I can do at any given moment take more time and effort to discover.

What are your priorities?  What are your values?  What is the MOST important (either makes the most money or can't be done another day or most valuable - the crystal balls as Rich German mentioned) RIGHT NOW?  As Robert Allen would say, the most successful people procrastinate - they just procrastinate the good and the better things and focus on the BEST first.

I realized this morning that this is something I need to strive harder to accomplish.  Being a stay-at-home mother of a busy little 14-month old boy and apartment manager take up most of my time.  It doesn't leave me much time to focus on my businesses.  I have SO much going on and not much time to do it in that I need to focus on the BEST, and once I get that accomplished focus on the next best, etc.

Because I'm not feeling well right now, the BEST thing I think I can do right now is prepare for and go to bed.  Good night.

You are AWESOME!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wendy Robbins

Why Marry a Millionaire? Just Be One: And While You're at It, Change the World!         

* are my thoughts *

People don’t know how to have the millionaire mindset or to keep the money – What ARE MY DISEMPOWERING beliefs in regards to money?  How important, on a scale of 1-10, is it that I am financially free? 

8 of her 10 questions that she delves into more in her book (image above - click on it to purchase)
1. Why am I not living up to how much money I want?   
2. Where did I pick up my disempowering beliefs?   
3. Why do you believe that?  
4. What (benefit) do I get out of my disempowering beliefs?  When I do this, I’m peeling an onion and I’m parenting myself the way I wish I had been parented.   
5. Is this belief real (Byron Katie)?   
6. Could the opposite be true?  Stick with what works and let go what doesn’t. 
7. Under what circumstances in my life was the opposite and it worked out? 
8. What would happen if I let go of my limiting beliefs?

*Think about the above before going any further because...*Thoughts and feelings lead to actions lead to results –

Tip #1: If I think negatively (or positively), say “As you wish.” – because our thoughts are our genies – say “cancel, cancel,” sortof like canceling an order at a restaraunt.  If I don't cancel, it will manifest in my life.

Tip #2: When I’m holding myself back, think to myself, “YOU GO GIRL (or guy).”  You have permission to be rich.  Think to yourself, "How do I get my message out to the most people?"  My job is not to figure out HOW but just have a big enough WHY.

Tip #3: If I feel like I’m working so hard and can’t work any harder: Outsource

 *WOW!  This was AMAZING!  She invited all of us on the call to look her up on Facebook and I'm sure the same will apply to you.  She has SO much to give and share.  We all deserve to be millionaires.  I've heard that throughout our working careers most of us will become millionaires, but the question is, how many of us will have that million at one time.  I've heard so many people say they want to marry a millionaire, which to me means they don't want to put forth the effort to do so themselves.  Many millionaires leverage their time and money and from what I hear, it almost seems easier to be a millionaire than to work 40-90 hours a week.  We are here for SO much more than to work a job, retire and die.  We are each here on this planet to make the difference in this world that only WE can make, based on our talents and interests.  I've quoted Skip Ross before and I'll quote him again, "Say YES to your potential!"*

You are AWESOME!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Natalie Ledwell

 I feel like Natalie's one of my best friends even though I've never met her.  She has such a loving heart, unbreakable spirit and positive attitude.  She's someone I'd definitely like to hang around (if she didn't live in Australia and I in USA).  She is not only a co-creator of Mind Movies ( but she also tells a lot about herself and a struggle she went through in life and shares the answer of how to overcome any challenges you're facing in 7 weeks with her 7 Secrets to Happiness (  She is an AMAZING coach and leader to follow.  Here are some of her words she shared on You Wealth Revolution.

Focus on WHAT we want, not HOW we want it – don’t look for what I just think I am supposed to do (force fit), but go with my passion – she found something she is passionate about – though she worked hard, she felt fulfilled while she was doing the work – How is your mind recreating the vibrations? Subconscious mind stores information and through repetition, it gets ingrained – Law of Gratitude (different each day) - 
My future is NOW

You are AWESOME!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Info Renegade System

A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Quick Reference for Affiliate Managers & Merchants
Not their system, but a book on a similar subject

This blog post is about making money.  Not just making money, but making MASSIVE amounts of money (try 6 figures per MONTH).  If you are not interested in this, read no further.  If you are, whether or not you've heard of affiliate marketing, keep reading.

Realities of Business
  1. People are less likely to spend money
  2. Old reliable business models aren’t working (retail, malls)
  3. Customers are rebelling against what lacks humanity
  4. New currency of the world is information (not stuff) – accessibility is huge now

4 Pillars of Information Marketing
1. Fast is easier than slow – success likes speed – base on experience
2. Big is easier than small – worldwide is easier than regional
3. Leadership is your new checkbook – CRITICAL- as soon as I make the choice to stand up, people start to follow – my people have been waiting for me to show up – caring is the seed for everything
4. Go deep, not wide – Tribes by Seth Godin  - no one wants to have their problem solved halfway – they want to be a part of a movement – go deep into one market instead of many niches

The website to this system is:

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