Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kindness and Beauty

Practice Random Acts of Kindness & Senseless Acts

I just had the opportunity to give one of my friends who I've never met, Natalie Ledwell, feedback for her upcoming book.   She asked a couple of questions and, though I didn't have the best answers for her, I felt happy to help someone out whom I admire.  I like to help people however I can.  Obviously, my time is limited (I only have 24 hours each day) and my money only goes so far (no matter how much), but I can do a little.

This reminds me of an inspirational story I once heard.  It was of a man picking starfish off the beach.  He would pick one up and throw it back into the ocean.  This man continued to pick one up and throw it back into the ocean.  Another man came looked to see how many more starfish were on the beach.  He asked the other man why he bothered - there were so many starfish.  How could he possibly make a difference?  The first man said that he made a difference to that one.

My point of all of this is that you can't be everything to the world, but you can be something to somebody.  In fact, you can be the world to somebody.  I know that's the case with my son.  He LOVES people, but no matter how many people he comes in contact with each day, mommy's his best friend.  I'm not only his best friend, but also source of food (in two ways), maid to clean up after him and his favorite playmate.

No matter how many people and how many ways we CAN'T help that we would like to (whether it be with time, money or other resources), there are that many if not more ways we CAN help.  Giving a smile or compliment is something we all can do, no matter how strapped for cash or time we are.  We can give up a seat on a bus or train.  We can do SO much more than we realize. 

Please, just try to do what you CAN do - many will thank you for it.  You will feel better, too.

You are AWESOME!

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