Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Darius Barazandeh

Darius is the host of You Wealth Revolution and also is one of the speakers.  What is below is some of his philosophies on success and how to get there.  He wants to add value to the world as well as teaching us, through others, so we can also add value to the world.  He was an attorney, but decided he got more personal fulfillment helping others in the self improvement arena instead of law.  The below words are paraphrased words Darius spoke.  I didn't put down his whole call, but I put down the core of what he was talking about (and hopefully what he meant).

You Wealth to Darius (which he asked to all the other speakers on the calls as well) means your own purpose, passion, life.  You get something you value by serving others.

Three rules of massive transformation: 1. Discover my purpose – I’ll never get over money challenges until I discover my greatest purpose.  Most important thing is to discover our mission and resources.  We WILL have enough resources and more to give when living our purpose, 2. Don’t think that everybody has the answer.  I alone have the answer.  A good teacher helps me discover my purpose.  MY JOY is the key to my destiny.  An enlightened being realizes there is no good or bad, it just is.  Most harmony comes when I come into a state of equilibrium, 3. When I think I have to be perfect, I take away self-esteem points.  Don’t believe gurus think positively.  Until we find order, we will sabotage ourselves.  Personal development keeps us stuck inside our heads and not out LIVING our passion.  How did this negative even lead me to become the person I am today and help me?

 To find out more information and get a copy of all of the speakers, including Darius, Click Here.

You are AWESOME!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Memorable Quotes

Quotes of Note: Brilliant Thoughts Arranged by Subject

Some of these quotes are from speakers or You Wealth Revolution and some are from other places.  I just couldn't fit in all of the cool quotes into my past blog posts.  They just didn't fit in with the main topic and made my blog posts seem choppy (if any of them still are, let me know and I will fix them).

 Introspection Quotes

"Transcend= end the trance that we’re weak and that we can’t do it." - Jim Kwik

“How do I know what’s in my subconscious except for what shows up in my life?” - Ann Taylor

"Three reasons we do anything:  We want to make money, we want to make a name for ourselves, we make an impact." - Rich German

"We don’t become what we WANT, we become what we ARE." - Marci Shimoff

"I need to see power and love where no one else sees power and love." - Darius Barazandeh
"Be aware of our value – be grateful for what we have and simplify what we don’t need." - Adam King

"Please don’t give up before the miracle….You’ve made it this far."  - Carol Look

"Ask God for guidance every day.  It’s very important to trust God and love myself." - Ann Taylor

"Our voids drive our values." - Darius Barazandeh

Health Quotes

"When I focus on any part of my body, I feel a healing sensation toward that part of my body." - Symeon Rodgers

"When energy is concentrated, disease is no longer possible." - Symeon Rodgers

"All cancers, Athlerschlerosis, Tumors, Sceriosis, Arthritis have bad calcium involved." - David Wolfe

"You can't get rich when you feel poor; you can't feel thin when you feel fat." - Carol Look

Happiness Quotes

"We may have all that we want and still not be happy.  Happiness has to come from within." - Marci Shimoff

"There's freedom in just being happy for now reason. You aren't hostage to that reason in your life and it brings a freedom. They you just live on a higher vibration and you attract goodness to you." - Marci Shimoff

 Wealth Quotes

"You can have excuses or you can have the life of your dreams – you can’t have both." -Wendy Robbins

"True wealth comes from the heart (he's talking about our physical heart)."  - Bradley Nelson

"Some people will be moved to action when they wouldn’t otherwise be because of your story." - Sam Crowley

"Core thing that will keep you stuck is just learning theory and not through action." - Adam King

"Opportunities are everywhere....We just need to find one." - Peggy McColl

Purpose and Passion Quotes

"The time when you stop is NOT when your back is up against the wall.  That is the time to go full force."
- Armand Morin

"Find out my life’s purpose and make a decision to follow it – everyday, in everything I do." - Baeth Davis

"There is no greater freedom than the expressing myself completely on this planet." - Kim Castle

"Have a DYING need to fulfill your passion." - Daris Barazandeh

"What inside of you is silently SCREAMING to come out?!" - Rich German

"True abundance comes from unlocking the heart and allowing the song I was meant to sing out into the world." - Bradley Nelson

"The bigger the breakdown the better because there is a breakthrough coming." - Rich German

"Don’t look for what I just think I am supposed to do (force fit), but go with my passion." - Natalie Ledwell

"I have to offer something that can benefit the world." - Satyen Raja

"Don’t ask myself what the world needs, ask myself what makes me come alive."  - Darius Barazandeh

Success in Life Quotes

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." - Stephen R. Covey

"There’s power when there’s two or more gathered." - Wendy Robbins

"Do your feared thing first."  - Robert Allen

"Say yes to your worry or fear....Welcome the worry up." - Larry Crane

"Own your friggin' power. " - T. Harv Eker

"I can’t change something that has already happened." - Larry Crane

"The windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason. - Sam Crowley

"If I want a different result, I need to change my conditioning of what I expect."  - John Assaraf

“Helping or hurting….Garbage in garbage stays”- Sam Crowley

"Success leaves traces." - Armand Morin

"I can either shrink and be small or learn my way out."  - Chris Howard

"The thing that you think you can't do may be the thing you're born to do" - Peggy McColl

"I need to have my purpose bigger than my barriers."  - Chris Howard

"If I don’t become successful, the world is robbed of my gift." - Scott Martineau
"Say YES to your potential." - Skip Ross

You are AWESOME!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Simplify Your Life

How to Simplify Your Life : Seven Practical Steps to Letting Go of Your Burdens and Living a Happier Life       Today in church, we talked about simplifying our lives.  One of the leaders in my church, Dieter F. Uctdorf talked about how there are only four relationships in our lives that really matter and we need to focus our time on them, instead of so many other things that keep us busy.  Those relationships are with: 1. God, 2. Family, 3. Fellowmen and 4. Self. 

    The first three are pretty self-explanitory, in my opinion.  Uctdorf, in relationship to ourselves, mentioned that some of us can't get along with ourselves; we criticize and belittle ourselves all day long until we hate ourselves.  He's right.  I'm learning to love myself more and be kinder to myself, and it really helps in my overall attitude.  It also helps in what I am able to do because if I believe in myself, I accomplish more.

     I have also heard many times in many places the parable of the rocks.  I think Stephen R. Covey taught it in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  It's where you have a jar.  Beside the jar are: big rocks, little rocks and sand.  If you put the sand in first, then you can't fit everything else in the jar.  However, if you put the big rocks in first, then the little rocks, then all the sand fits as well.  The metaphor, as many of you may know, is: the big rocks are the most important things in life, the little rocks are the important but not essential things in life & the sand stands for the thingd in our life that may or may not matter but can be distractions.

     This was a good reminder to me and hopefully to you.  I know that technology (I-pods, Facebook, Twitter, TV, movies, cell phones) can be a distraction to take away time from what is really important.  It's easy to get distracted by many things and hard to focus.  Focus takes work and energy, but it's what helps us become successful in many areas.

     In conclusion, there are most important things in our lives and there are less important things in our lives.  If we can learn to focus on what's most important and cut out distractions, we can be successful in every area of life.  As Skip Ross would say, "Say Yes to your potential."

You are AWESOME!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

David Wolfe

   This post is about health strategies.  He talks about many things I didn't know about.  I will just mention the highlights because it seemed like a bunch of unrelated health facts and tips, but it was very interesting.


  • If you’re drinking out of a water bottle, most likely you’re drinking estrogen..
  • Many times if you’re out of focus and cloudy in your thought, you need Omega-3 fatty acids.
  •  If you are fasting, it is almost more important than eating – you learn about yourself and can cleanse your body.
  • When we cook, freeze or don’t eat things raw, we’re killing important nutrients.
  •  Judgment and denial is what keeps people unhealthy – a form of arrogance.
  •  All cancers, Athlerschlerosis, tumor. Sceriosis, Arthritis have bad calcium involved – don’t take calcium supplements – often too much calcium in body.

You are AWESOME!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Marci Shimoff

     Marci mainly talks about being happy.  She mentions how it has to come from within.  She also discusses how others are attracted to us when we are happy and that the stronger force always wins - the most positive and happy or the most negative and unhappy.  She wrote a book about not having a reason for being happy(Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out) and she mentions that there is such a freedom in not having a reason to be happy.

     There is a Happiness Set-point - most important in life - it is why we want anything - we just go back to this automatically -we can reset it by: Making up our minds to br like Teflon for negatives and velcro for the positive - it takes 20 seconds for my mind to discover/remember to take it in.  Keep a gratitude and success journal and SAVOR my successes.  We need to have a toolbox of energy-psychology techniques.

     Fringe Benefits of being happy:
1. Healthier - 1/3 less likely to be sick
2. Live longer - 9 years longer
3. Greater fulfillment in relationships
4. Greater fulfillment in career
5. Make a million dollars more over the course of their lifetime

     She mentions in her book twenty-one happiness techniques but puts them into 7 main areas and suggests we start with our weakest link.  She compares the seven main areas to a house:
1. Foundation - taking responsibility for my happiness "I'll be happy when..." - where are you giving away my happiness?
2. Roof - Living an inspired life - purpose and passion
3. Garden - who do I surround myself with?  Toxic people or helping people
Four cornerstones: 4. mind(thoughts), 5. heart(greater sense of love), 6. body(cells, etc.) &7. soul(spirituality)

     A Couple of Happiness Techniques
1.Heart Rythmn Coherance: Heart focus - put hand over heart, then imagine breath is coming in and out through  my heart - feel the care and appreciation that I have had on a moment when I feel a lot of gratitude - do this once a day or once an hour
2. Marci's favorite technique - Ho-oh-pohno-pohno  - "I'm sorry, I forgive you, thank you, I love you" - keep saying this over and over.  Experience this to anyone you feel anger or resentment toward.  She told a couple of stories relating to this technique, but the shorter of the two is: Dalai Llama was talking to a Tibetan Buddist monk who was being tortured in a prison and The Dalai Llama asked this man, “When did you feel like you were in the most danger?”  The monk said, “When I stopped feeling compassion toward the prison guards.”

     She ended with this very powerful quote:  “When there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person.  When there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house.  When there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation.  When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”  - Chinese Proverb

Thanx 4 your energy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


      On this Thanksgiving day, on a day that is NOT a speed bump on the way to Christmas, I feel it appropriate to discuss gratitude.  To me, from what I've learned, gratitude is the ultimate way of giving back and being on the best vibration to be able to receive as well.  Gratitude is what we can give to others, God/the Universe for all that they have done for us.  Gratitude can also be a way for us to be kind to ourselves and be our own best friend.  Gratitude is something every person can give, no matter how little money or time you feel you have.  Gratitude can only multiply what we have into something more.
     Please, whether as a comment or in your journal, write what you're grateful for today, or someday SOON.  Don't put this exercise off because it is SO very important for you.  I'm going to write some of the things I'm grateful for here (in no particular order of importance):
  • My energy, even when I don't get enough sleep
  • My healthy body
  • My eyes and the fact that they see
  • My ears and that they hear
  • My hands and that they can write, type, touch, feel, grasp, pull, pick, wash and many other things
  • My freedoms that I enjoy
  • My strength
  • My husband and that he goes to work, even when he doesn't feel like it
  • My baby
  • My baby's laughter
  • My baby's smile
  • My baby's curiosity (sometimes)
  • My legs and that I can walk
  • I have the opportunity to volunteer
  • I can make money doing something I love
  • I can love others
  • I can feel others' love for me
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Shelter
  • Heater in winter and air conditioning in summer
  • I can be a stay-at-home mom to watch my baby grow up
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Facebook so I can keep in touch with family and friends
  • Dreams
  • Hope
  • Charity
  • Faith
  • Religion and how it can lead me to God if I do my part
  • Business and how it means we don't have to all work jobs if we don't want to
  • Baby gate so I can cook and clean and still have my baby see me
  • Songs and music in general
  • Radio/tapes/CD/MP3s
  • Water
  • Sign Language
  • Computer
  • Internet
  • Wikipedia
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Inspirational movies and books
  • Time - I have 24 hours a day to do what's most important to me
I could go on all night, but I won't.  I'm sure you have some of these and some of these you don't, but I'm also sure you have some things as well that are NOT on this list.  Feel free to share all or some of those with me.
Thanx 4 your energy!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Children - looking at life through their eyes


      If you can't get the video to work, click here and you can at least hear his laugh

     I can learn SO much from my little boy!  He's SO happy most of the time and he can't walk (without help) or talk (much).  He doesn't drive a fancy car (he'd better not be driving for another 14 years!) or have a high-paying job (his only job right now is learning and growing).  He doesn't have a lot of stuff (ya know, RVs, ATVs, Kayaks, Boats) or status, but he's just happy.
    This morning, I took him out in the snow (don't worry, he had his snow suit on) and he wasn't quite sure what to make of the snow at first, but then he was having fun watching mommy and others, crawling around in the snow, making a snow angel (it worked out well because I helped him and picked him up so there were no other tracks), watching a neighbor shovel the snow and just BEING outside.  He got cold, but he didn't even want to go inside.  I just can't wait until Christmas because, like the song says, "I Wanna See Christmas Through Your Eyes (If interested in purchasing the CD, Gloria Estefan - Greatest Hits)."  I know he doesn't know a lot, but he sure knows a LOT more than he did last year at this time.
     Also, this morning at breakfast (watch the video above), he just started laughing.  He still drinks breast milk, so I haven't given him much cow's milk, but this morning I thought I'd try. He liked it for a little while, then he decided he was done with it, so he pushed it away.  I also offered him water with the meal.  He was done with the water, too, so, they were like bumper cars, and when I started saying whatever it was I said on the video, he just started laughing like crazy.  I never know what will get my boy laughing because he just laughs at the silliest things (I guess they're silly to him, too).  I'll just say something like "Big burpie" or "Eeew, yucky!" and he will just start laughing and laughing.
     If only we could be that carefree....but why can't we?!  We've all heard of the book, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"  - maybe it's time we all become carefree like children.  I don't know if this relates, but maybe that's one of the things Christ was talking about when He invited us all to become like little children.  He knows that we adults stress over way too much stuff that doesn't really matter.
     I'm not an advocate for not taking responsibility for what you need to do (especially in this busy time of year), but I AM an advocate of taking advantage of the small opportunities to play with your child (or children).  I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but maybe, just play outside in the snow (or sunshine or rain) for a few minutes and enjoy the play as much as your child (or children) does (or do).
     Take time to ENJOY LIFE!

Thanx 4 your energy!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

John Assaraf - part two

Having It All: Achieving Your Lifes Goals and Dreams
Video 1 prior to Winning the Mind Game Webinar:  What’s my story?  What do I tell my self about why I’m not making money?

Video 2 prior to webinar: The Drug Addiction – Hopeium – people are hoping and praying to get out of their situation, but aren’t doing anything – we need to feel good about money, have the right thoughts, and do the right actions in the right order –

Video 3: Am I interested or committed to become a millionaire – interest, I’ll do what’s convenient and make excuses – when committed, think about how you can do and do what I need to do to make it happen

Webinar Highlights

  • Where did my programming come from?
  • "I share with you my lifestyle with you not to impress you but impress UPON you that if you follow what I’m going to suggest, you can have the lifestyle you want to do as well and that YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE IT ALL."
  • You will never earn more than your financial self-esteem allows you to
  • Whatever is impressed in the subconscious mind IMMEDIATELY takes place can act upon it.
  • Implicit belief – deep inside the subconscious mind – go to the cause of thoughts/feelings/beliefs, if I want to change results, it’s not enough to just go to seminar or read book – need to do in right order neurocircuits of brain to retrain
  •   Explicit belief – Yea, I’ve heard that before – based on your belief
  • New slogan – when you believe it in my mind, that’s when I’ll see
  •  I need to alter the financial blueprint/map/thermostat, so I once and for all program my subconscious mind so I can have a first-class lifestyle
  •  A belief is a neuro network to make my brain a reality – 1 billion neuro networks a seconds – I have unbelievable opportunity to change my subconscious mind- We can change our brain to change our lives
  • Create the most powerful vision that I really want to make – how much do I really want to make? – if I don’t put conscious and subconscious mind into alignment – I need to be a congruent person in thoughts and in action – Neuro-Resinence – I need to begin a daily innersize program to change thoughts
  • I NEED to change the system in my brain if I want to change my actions
  •  There are five helps:
1.     Do it yourself option – clarity of vision of what I need to do
2.     Beliefs I need to have about myself in order to achieve this goal
3.     Write down the daily habits I need to apply (doing highest income and impact producing activities)
4.     Develop positive precision affirmations
5.     Affirmations need to be in at least Alpha brain wave

Thanx 4 your energy!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Baeth Davis

You Wealth – Balance – beyond hierarchy of needs to trandescension – making a contribution to others – incredible sense of satisfaction – we need to love the person in the mirror – stand in our truth and live courageously – love is the true love and from self-love, we can give to others – what am I here to do so my presence is modeling consciousness - It’s not about the to do list, but being present and in the moment – when you help many people with what they need, you get what you need – give to others and give credit and where credit is due.

 Highlights of the call:
  • Baeth was suicidal - a friend said that being suicidal is selfish and Baeth needs a hobby/ to serve others
  • What are my THREE PIVOTAL(life-changing, look at things differently) MOMENTS to date?
  • There’s great power in determining what my standards are
  •  I have to really get square with myself and determine that I HAVE to live my life purpose.
  •  When I’m following my life purpose, there’s a sense of certainty, of knowing, even if I have fear – I just somehow know that’s where I need to be.
  •  Begin to question EVERYTHING I believe.
  •  I’m responsible for EVERYTHING I’ve done wrong or right – I’m responsible for my thoughts, feelings, actions.  I CAN control a response I make.
  •  When the mission and the purpose MUST come first before I make money – self-esteem often puts people out so they don't live their passions.
  •  What legacy do I want to I leave after I die?  Baeth’s is to stop illeteracy
  •  Criteria to help discover passion                                                                                                        1. Stop saying, “I don’t know” -it is often a cop-out, 2. Write down three hobbies I’m really PASSIONATE about?  Put in my calendar or maybe make money with this and 3. If I did know what my mission was, what would I hope would be different when I die?
  •  Find out my life’s purpose and make a decision to follow it – everyday, in everything I do

Thanx 4 your energy!

Armand Morin

    I missed half of this call, but what I listened to was VERY powerful.  This is one of the You Wealth Revolution calls.  This replay is no longer available.  This call is about money, so if this is not the part of wealth in which you are interested, feel free to skip this post.  However, if you want to make money, but don't have a lot to spend, THIS IS THE POST for you.

     This is a VERY powerful way that you can make money without spending any (unless you choose to advertise with Google Adwords, etc.) money called Project Gutenberg 1. find book on any topic; open HTML versions; highlight, copy and paste, 2. Read and agree to full Gutenberg Project rules and regulations (you'll need to ask for permission before you charge money for these), 3. Go to Amazon self-publish list (choose DTP.amazon.com and sign up for publishing program and create an account and upload book – put price on book and put publish), 4. (if you choose) Choose movies that have books as well that are public domain – to find movies, type in Google “movies to be released in 2011, 2012” and place an ad in Google so put myself in front of others.
     Another Technique - I could publish as a physical book and it can be sold on Amazon.com or create a course on it – could record myself reading it and create a home study course 

Overcome technical difficulties if not a techie by: Outsourcing to others who have experience.

After I make money I need and want to give abundantly, read this below FIRST.
It takes a certain type of person to run a charity and if you truly believe in that charity, you’d be giving to it now or if you don’t run the charity, you’ll feel worthless and sabotage yourself and lose all you have.

     Armand was VERY powerful in his speech and I was very grateful for learning what I did from him.

Thanx 4 your energy!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Symeon Rodger

 This was AMAZING stuff about how your body and physical health can help your life.  It certainly helped me think differently about what I'm doing and not doing in my life.   If you don't struggle with health issues and have excellent health, you can skip this post.  However, if you want to live a more healthy life

Symeon Martial Arts expert, Chinese health/medicine system, a University in Montreal - teaches in English and French, Author 5 Pillars of Life and Rock Solid Tranquility, proficient in many languages, former intelligence officer in the Canadian Government and Father of three children.

You Wealth – without fundamental wealth within ourselves, the other wealth doesn’t matter – resilience=ability to effortlessly withstand and bounce back from whatever occurs – we need to know how to be aware of our bodies

7 Deadly Spirals of Disease - The body falls apart because aren't exercising our body in the following ways
1. Spine – if you don’t take spine through it’s full range of motion on a regular basis, your mind doesn’t work well and the energy circulation doesn’t work well.
2. Tendon lines are what causes tension and flexion – when I don’t take these through their full range of motion, I’m more likely to get an accident – also atrophy and gain more weight and have less mobility
3. Fascia – layer of tissue below skin – wraps muscles – like body’s saran wrap – begin to fill with fat when not taking care of myself – critical role in assures my posture – crystalline structures respond to energy miridians – conduct light – communicated to cells – diaphragms are fascia – we have 3 – purpose is to hold organs in place – my organs can fall out of place – if fascia degrades, we are more susceptible to disease.
4. Bone marrow- skeleton itself acts as an endocrine gland (metabolizes sugar) – manufactures blood cells – any compromise in quantity or quality of blood cells – less oxygen to cells, can move less, don’t use range of motion, begins a circle – intelligence is throughout body (like in the gut)
5. Joints – energy depends on the health of my joints for its flow – loose oxygen and vitality
6. BreathingTry breathing with shoulders up and breathe through the chest then try putting my thumb on the navel – let the shoulders relax and breathe near the navel – also focus on breathing front to back like my middle is an inner tube – allows energy to drop lower, makes for more positive emotions
7. Posture – ideal posture: feet to shoulder width, shoulders down, relax abdomen and unlock pelvis and allow it to drop mid-range, imagine my head is hanging by a thread to heaven

Thanx 4 your energy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sam Crowley

Disclaimer:  I listened to Sam on www.YouWealthRevolution.com/now but something happened to my notes, so I’m piecing them together from Darius Barazandeh’s Facebook page (he’s the host of You Wealth Revolution) and stuff Sam said on www.everydayissaturday.com and the URL below.

His story is AMAZING!  Read it on http://www.sixdaystosaturday.com/special
    Yet, he doesn’t share how he got his domain name on this website, so let me share it to the best of my memory.  I may get some of it wrong, but this is the jist of it.  After he had his “AHA!” moment with his daughter and decided to make everyday Saturday, he was looking online and noticed that someone had the website EverydayIsSaturday, so he, being a little nervous and calling underneath his desk on a Tuesday afternoon, called the person who had the website to ask them about it.  He didn’t know if that person would call back – if it was a major corporation or CEO of a company.  He got a call the next day saying, “Look kid (he thought it was funny being called a kid at 35 years old), I’m 70 years old. I bought the domain and I was going to put some hunting or fishing pictures and share them with my buddies, but never did anything with it.  It sounds like you’ve got something special, so I’m giving it to you.”  WOW!  What a life changing moment for him.  I’m sure that added fuel to his fire of needing to make everyday Saturday.

This whole message is basically about monetizing your passion.

The first four steps to making everyday Saturday are:
  1. Feel the pain of your current situation and write down how you want your future to be – describe it in detail on a sheet of paper.
  2. Discover your real passion you’d like to turn into a career if you could find a way to make money at it
  3. Research that subject and see how others are making money at it
  4. Find a mentor (could be Sam – check out the websites above if you’d like to buy his product – he talks about different things on 6 CDs – to be equivalent to 6 days) – oh, he said something about this that really impressed me – when you’ve found someone who could either be a mentor or partner, ask them: “How can I serve you?”

      In relation to this, he said something I really felt was profound.  Someone asked a question related to this: “How can I do this if I’m working a full-time job?”  Sam responded by saying, “Let’s say you only have 3 hours a day to work your passion – one hour when you get to work but before you punch in, one hour at lunch (and if others ask you to join them for lunch you say no – then you work on your business), and one hour after the kids go to bed.  That’s 90 hours a month and 1,080 hours a year you’re working on that dream.  Don’t you think you’d be closer to that dream if not having achieved it within a year?”

     He didn’t say these on the You Wealth webinar, but I thought they were poignant, so I thought I’d include them here in the end.  One is “Life isn’t a dress rehearsal – you’ve only got one shot!” and the other – title of his Thursday CD “Failure is a verb, not a noun.”  Think about those …until next blog post.

Thanx 4 your energy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Strategic Thinking & Taking Action

Think Better: An Innovator's Guide to Productive Thinking          WHICH IS BEST?           Taking Action

I am writing this article because in the field of personal development, there is a battle.  There are many opinions about the strategic thinking portion of success - Law of Attraction (The Secret), Positive Affirmations, reading books, attending webinars, praying and hoping.  There are other opinions about taking action and the role of each in success.  Before I get into this, I want to make sure we’re on the same page as to what I’m discussing.  To me, The Law of Attraction (which The Secret – movie and book) addresses the concept that like attracts like.  My understandings of positive affirmations are: when you speak out loud what you want to occur in your life, the goal is that those things come into existence.  Webinars are seminars on the internet.  Seminars are attended in person where we get motivational words from experts in the field.  Hope and prayer (as I forgot about, but John Assaraf reminded me of) are also ways of strategic thinking.  Hoping is having the emotions of wanting things to occur that aren’t currently.  Prayer is speaking to our higher power.  The doing are the action steps of making any business grow.  This article will discuss both and their place in business.  Taking action, as Robert Allen would say, is doing the 20% most important activities for getting a paycheck first and procrastinate the other 80% until a later time.
            I think that all of the above strategic thinking steps – Law of Attraction, praying, hoping, positive affirmations, read positive books, listen to/attend seminars – are essential to success.  Stephen R. Covey talks about in 7 Habits to Success that sharpening the saw is important in sawing.  He tells a story to explain this principle.  If we saw down a tree, in the middle of the process before the time we start and the time we finish, we will need to stop and sharpen the saw if we are going to finish the job.  I believe that inspiration, as Jody Victor would say, is like showering; if you don’t do it every day, you start to stink.  We all have been (and possibly are now) infected with the contagious disease called stinkin’ thinkin’.  Inspiration, to me, helps me have the motivation to desire to change.
            However, if there is not change in our lives, there will be no growth.  If there is no growth, there is no success.  On the same note, we can’t truly change if we stay in our minds.  We have to get out there into the taking action steps.  Of course, these steps are different for every business.  In some businesses, the action steps are making calls and presentations.  Other businesses include making promotions online and creating quality content for a website.  What is YOUR action of your business?
            Taking action MUST also happen if you are going to achieve success.  If we don’t do what we need to do, the strategic thinking will help you be a positive thinker.  Positive thinking is GREAT, but wouldn’t you rather be a POSITIVE DOER?!  A positive doer loves life everyday because they (I’m not there…yet) are living and working their PASSION.  Positive doers are able to travel when and where and how (my husband and I would like to travel many places in an RV – to read more, check out my other blog at: http://parkrvparks.blogspot.com ) they choose.  Positive doers live where they want (in the house, neighborhood, country), drive the cars they want (whether it be a Lamborgini or a Honda) and spend their time how they want.  Positive doers give abundantly to charities they want or, create a foundation of their own. 
            To review, there are many ways to use strategic thinking and learn about business and strategize.  There are also many ways for taking action upon our business.  To me, they are both essential parts of business.  They are the yin and yang of any business.  When we spend too much time acting, it’s time to think.  When we think too much, it’s time to act.  We need to focus on both parts in order to be a positive doer.  The positive doer is what most of us want in life to be happy.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Larry Crane

To see more about Release Technique check out:
You Wealth – Wealth is the concepts in the mind that goes into your subconscious mind and sabotages your ability to be abundant

Some of our skills of the mind
  1. Sensing – it’s hot or it’s cold
  2. Automatic Programming in our mind
  3. Ability to discriminate – manage emotions
  4. Peace of mind – everything lifts up
     He said many things about healing that seem controversial to what we naturally think about and do.
He teaches to say yes to your worry or fear because whatever you resist will persist.  When we welcome the worry up and don’t judge it, it gets better.  Pushing down on it makes it worse because when we resist, we hold it in place.

     On the call, he had someone worrying about money for the holidays.  He wanted her to accept more worry, then more worry, then more worry.  When she kept accepting more worry, the worry went down significantly (he asked her to rate the worry before and after he did the Release Technique).  He recommended that we practice accepting worry, and more, and more, and see what happens.

     After Larry did the worrying exercise, he did an acceptance exercise.  He asked if the volunteer could accept herself.  Then he asked if she can accept herself more and more and more and more.  He also recommends that we practice accepting myself, and more, and more, and more and see what happens –

     The last thought of Larry's I thought was powerful was that: Children and animals just let things go, but we adults often hold onto things for a long time – we focus on the negative instead of possibility – we repress it
Life is a decision – it’s NO ONE else’s decision but YOURS.

Thanx 4 your energy!

Nick Ortner

The Tapping Solution - The Revolution Starts WithinEFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) -

This is a short post, but maybe it's about time.  Sorry, sometimes I just get carried away with the notes and my thoughts.  I have many thoughts that I love to share.

Tapping is all about the energy and focus. From what I know about our subconscious mind, the positive way you speak to yourself while tapping helps as well as the physical act of tapping is what makes this method so powerful. Biofeedback is basically what tapping is - VERY powerful and useful. Thank you for reminding me about tapping and how POWERFUL and quickly it works. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Peggy McColl

These were my comments on the You Wealth Revolution blog (www.youwealthrevolution.com/now), so it's as if I were speaking to Peggy some of the time and Darius Barazandeh (the host of You Wealth Webinars).  Most of these are my comments, but the quotations are her thoughts.

Her websites are: http://www.hayhouseradio.com/, http://www.destinies.com/ and www.peggymccoll.com

Peggy - you mentioned it again. The solution is PASSION! You, Darius, Natalie, John Asaraaf, Bob Proctor, Mary Morissy and many others have mentioned it time and time again. LIGHTBULB! This is one of the main secrets to success! It MUST be how people live life to its fullest, even while having to do the mundane things we all have to do (like laundry and dishes - YUCK! Are they EVER really done?!)

"Opportunities are EVERYWHERE....We just need to find ONE" That's so true! I'm so passionate about many things (including passionately dislike dishes and laundry), so all I need to do is choose one and GO FOR IT! I have value and I AM in control of my life. Thanx 4 the reminder, Darius!

"The thing that you think you CAN'T do may be the thing you're BORN to do" OUCH! I know that's true in my life - I just have to DO it!

Monetize Your Passion

I was SO inspired with Rich German that I got his book (downloadable copy for free, I might add, from www.richgerman.com) and I started reading it yesterday because I plan to do just that - monetize my passion.  I will continually update this post as I read more of this book.

Most of it is paraphrased (pages are in parentheses) some is quoted (with " obviously) and some are my thoughts (with * around it)

After Rich German conducted 17,000 coaching sessions since 1999, he discovered that people mainly want two things: Freedom and Happiness (27)

Feeling good needs to be our number one priority in life (28) – *Rich says this, but so do many others like Natalie Ledwell and Bob Proctor and others who believe in the Law of Attraction* –

My Happiness is determined by dominant emotion – I can only feel happy or unhappy (29) – “Your dominant emotion is a habit you create.”

“Are you a life-aholic or a work-aholic?  Do you have a lifestyle or a workstyle (30)?”

*I guess my life is in chaos because Rich says when you’re in chaos, you feel like time controls you, you’re under constant pressure and there’s no harmony or flow (30)*

*The lifestyle described on page 34 sounds like a dream come true - I guess that’s the point* 

Forgot to have you do the self-assessment in 12 categories (30):
1. lifestyle vs. workstyle,
2. balance vs. chaos,
3. financial freedom vs. financial stress,
4. great health vs. being sick,
5. great energy vs. being tired and drained,
6. love vs. fear, 7. spiritual connection vs. spiritual disconnection,
8. living on purpose vs. lost,
9. Meaningful relationships vs. shallow relationships,
10. Mental clarity vs. mental chaos,
11. Experiencing life vs. feeling stuck,
12. Happiness vs. frustration

     *I just had an “aha!” moment with this.  I was thinking that if I had an abundance of money, my life would be about the same, but, no it wouldn’t.  If we had an abundance of money, I wouldn’t have to be an apartment manager and that would free up 5-10 hours a week, not to mention some of my phone minutes.  Also, I would hire a maid and possibly a cook, so that would free up even more time and I wouldn’t feel like I’m neglecting my baby.  Most of my time is spent either cooking, cleaning or taking care of my baby.  I wouldn’t want to hire out taking care of my baby (I feel like that’s the most important work I could be doing right now), but I personally don’t need to clean my apartment/house/apartment building.  Yes, now I need to, but when I make more money I won’t need to if I choose not to.*

This is a life-fulfillment test (35) on a scale of 1-10, 1 meaning horrible and 10 meaning wonderful:

Me Now                                                            Me in 6 months
Spiritual connection:
Spiritual connection:
Physical health:
Physical health:
Nutrition and exercise:
Nutrition and exercise:
Connection to spouse/partner:
Connection to spouse/partner:
Connection to kids/family:
Connection to kids/family:

*7+7+7+7+6+4+7+6+4+6=61 now
9+9+9+9+9+9+6+9+9+6+8=93 6 mo
I learned that I’ve got a long way to go, but I think I can do it.*

I already mentioned this in my Rich German post, but I think it deserves another look-through (37). ―”Stop settling for what‘s good enough and start creating art that matters. Stop asking what‘s in it for you and start giving gifts that change people. Then, and only then, will you have achieved your potential. For hundreds of years, the population has been seduced, scammed, and brainwashed into fitting in, following instructions, and exchanging a day‘s work for a day‘s pay. That era has come to an end and just in time. You have brilliance in you, your contribution is valuable, and the art you create is precious. Only you can do it, and you must. I‘m hoping you‘ll stand up and make a difference.
—Seth Godin”

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adam King

updated 11-16-10 - listened to the rest of the webinar

http://www.youwealthrevolution.com/adam and once the special is over, just http://www.tesseramethod.com/

Mental Auditory Stimulation - Tessera - You Wealth - Taking care of yourself first and then you have something to benefit to others - Creating a lifestyle for yourself that can really benefit others-

Tessera is a full-fledged breakthrough or you just WON'T get it - it's perspective - many times we learn through books and not experience -

Core thing that will keep you stuck is just learning theory and not through ACTION

We have our joy, creativeness, purpose in the frontal lobe - when problem happens physically, the frontal lobe doesn't really get what's going on.

1. Be IN the moment as if I'm out of my body and into a body completely of perception - me and others
2. Environmental Resistance- When there's something we want, we first have it in our minds we can make it work logically - based on past experience or future projection - then get nervous and stress

Johnathan Height - it's like having an elephant and a rider (conscious-logic and subconscious-emotion) - idea of benefiting ourselves - then elephant says "no, no, no, this isn't what I thought."  then the rider is exhausted tugging on the elephant.  Automatic negative processing

*Adam, That sounds like The Ant and the Elephant the book by Vince Ponce - it's ALL about the Ant trying to train the Elephant*

The duality is necessary in life

When we focus on our body is when we get the constraints

Tessera – simulation – mind can only focus on one thing at a time – like a movie – mind wants to know what’s happening next – simulation of things you don’t need to do in your life but fear won’t let you and after you go through it in your brain, you can do it in the physical

People has to come to their own conclusion

Gestalt – feel EVERYTHING and be in the moment – become aware of your body sensations – go into the grocery store and look at everything – colors, shelves – questioning thoughts and sensations and feelings – bring it back to a centered awareness
Environment brings awareness –

There is no separation – the key is to be aware of HOW I separate – we want to create certainty –

9 Principles of Suffering that Keep People Stuck
1. Survival codes – “act of logic coming to false conclusions about what is a threat and what is not” - Put body first and spirit second- you don’t understand people as well with filters or be aware of what’s causing people to be upset
2. Duality – self center of experience instead of experience center of self
3. Swayed identity – identity is cultivated by others and not our values– make decisions -
4. Environmental Resistance
5. Automatic Negative Processing
6. Doubt – loss of clarity
7. Distraction
8.Confabulation – creating a false past on a future outcome – act of defending our opinion, even if it’s wrong – filling in the blanks of our own facts – we do what we think other people believe we should do – “If I were you, I’d do…”
9. Fundamental Attribution – we internalize faults of others and externalize OUR faults – we think what others do is their fault and problems we have are others faults

If you can’t make it about others, it won’t work – become the kind of person people are looking for

If I want to change, change my environment

WE create our own suffering

Be aware of our value – be grateful for what we have and simplify what we don’t need

Rich German

 To understand Rich more, check these out and then read what's below. http://www.richgerman.com/ for book and coaching info and www.incfworld.org for charity

Seth Godden said: “Stop settling for what’s good enough and start creating art that matters.  Stop asking what’s in it for you and start giving gifts that change people, then and only then will you have achieved your potential.  For thousands of years, the population has been seduced, scammed and brainwashed into fitting in, following instructions, and exchanging a day’s work for a day’s pay.  That error has come to an end and just in time.  You have brilliance in you.  Your contribution is valuable and the art you create is priceless.  Only you can do it and you MUST.  I’m hoping you’ll stand up and make a difference.”

You Wealth – It’s all about making the shift from a workstyle to a lifestyle – hold up a mirror in front of you and make you think some things maybe you don’t want to think about – I want to be uncomfortable – courage to get out of your paradigm – I have a lifestyle in which I HAVE IT ALL – courage to create that lifestyle for me and making a difference to the world – everyone has a gift, passion and something worth dying for! 

What inside of you is silently SCREAMING to come out?!

He decided to help homeless children – how can I serve people?  Take my PASSION and make money from it

How to decide your passion?  Write 5 things you love to do more than anything?  Don’t think about how you can make money with it?  You can do it all day long?  Could do it all day long – then look at list – one of the five things is probably bouncing off the page – pushes me to my limit – you can monetize EVERYTHING – the place where there’s no recession and no fear of job loss

The things that make my heart sing make up the finest energy and vibration

Three Hurdles of Not Following Passion
  1. Lack of belief - @ - my current reality ­­­­­----FEAR----B – life couldn’t be any better – we live life in 3 thirds – first 30 yrs=indoctoronization, second 30 yrs= detoxify – problem is raising our own family and/or career – huge flaw to personal development – mind body soul and we’re taught where we think – if you’re living in your head, then you won’t be LIVING your purpose, third 3rd= enlightenment
  2. Lack of time and money
  3. No idea how to do it – need a blueprint for success

To follow passion:
  1. I need to build a website or blog around my passion – doesn’t matter what it is
  2. Create a community of people – people who have my passion – database – fastest way is through joint ventures (find other people that do the same thing as I do – CREATE don’t compete)– social media is OK, but joint ventures (ask “how can I support you?) is FASTEST ways to create community of people – that’s the new economy
  3. Great Content – I want to become an expert is my subject – can create my own products and services or become an affiliate marketer

My life purpose may just be convert falsity to truth, fear to confidence, hatred with love, low energy with high energy – start to find a way to live and share this – how do I make this into a reality – the only way is through my passion – be sure what I’m passionate about – it needs to come deep from my soul

Crystal Ball Exercise – I’m juggling and there are crystal balls and there are rubber balls – if you drop rubber ball, no problem – crystal balls break – crystal balls are the main things – I need to only have 3-5 crystal balls

*1. Family, 2. Business, 3. Health, 4. Spiritual Life*

MAKE A COMMITMENT: Never under any circumstance let a crystal ball fall again.

When I’m walking through crap, just keep walking – this helps me realize who I truly am – I have to make it happen.

Begin sharing what I have and allow others to benefit by it.

The BIGGER the breakdown, the BETTER because there is a BREAKTHROUGH coming

Three reasons we do anything:  We want to make money, we want to make a name for ourselves, we make an IMPACT

Wealth starts from that one decision in my life of me taking love in my hands and now I’m ready to go

Watch movie trailer for Generation WHY

Once I start taking action, the fear is gone – we do all have power

http://www.richgerman.com/ for book and coaching info and
www.incfworld.org for charity