Monday, November 29, 2010

Memorable Quotes

Quotes of Note: Brilliant Thoughts Arranged by Subject

Some of these quotes are from speakers or You Wealth Revolution and some are from other places.  I just couldn't fit in all of the cool quotes into my past blog posts.  They just didn't fit in with the main topic and made my blog posts seem choppy (if any of them still are, let me know and I will fix them).

 Introspection Quotes

"Transcend= end the trance that we’re weak and that we can’t do it." - Jim Kwik

“How do I know what’s in my subconscious except for what shows up in my life?” - Ann Taylor

"Three reasons we do anything:  We want to make money, we want to make a name for ourselves, we make an impact." - Rich German

"We don’t become what we WANT, we become what we ARE." - Marci Shimoff

"I need to see power and love where no one else sees power and love." - Darius Barazandeh
"Be aware of our value – be grateful for what we have and simplify what we don’t need." - Adam King

"Please don’t give up before the miracle….You’ve made it this far."  - Carol Look

"Ask God for guidance every day.  It’s very important to trust God and love myself." - Ann Taylor

"Our voids drive our values." - Darius Barazandeh

Health Quotes

"When I focus on any part of my body, I feel a healing sensation toward that part of my body." - Symeon Rodgers

"When energy is concentrated, disease is no longer possible." - Symeon Rodgers

"All cancers, Athlerschlerosis, Tumors, Sceriosis, Arthritis have bad calcium involved." - David Wolfe

"You can't get rich when you feel poor; you can't feel thin when you feel fat." - Carol Look

Happiness Quotes

"We may have all that we want and still not be happy.  Happiness has to come from within." - Marci Shimoff

"There's freedom in just being happy for now reason. You aren't hostage to that reason in your life and it brings a freedom. They you just live on a higher vibration and you attract goodness to you." - Marci Shimoff

 Wealth Quotes

"You can have excuses or you can have the life of your dreams – you can’t have both." -Wendy Robbins

"True wealth comes from the heart (he's talking about our physical heart)."  - Bradley Nelson

"Some people will be moved to action when they wouldn’t otherwise be because of your story." - Sam Crowley

"Core thing that will keep you stuck is just learning theory and not through action." - Adam King

"Opportunities are everywhere....We just need to find one." - Peggy McColl

Purpose and Passion Quotes

"The time when you stop is NOT when your back is up against the wall.  That is the time to go full force."
- Armand Morin

"Find out my life’s purpose and make a decision to follow it – everyday, in everything I do." - Baeth Davis

"There is no greater freedom than the expressing myself completely on this planet." - Kim Castle

"Have a DYING need to fulfill your passion." - Daris Barazandeh

"What inside of you is silently SCREAMING to come out?!" - Rich German

"True abundance comes from unlocking the heart and allowing the song I was meant to sing out into the world." - Bradley Nelson

"The bigger the breakdown the better because there is a breakthrough coming." - Rich German

"Don’t look for what I just think I am supposed to do (force fit), but go with my passion." - Natalie Ledwell

"I have to offer something that can benefit the world." - Satyen Raja

"Don’t ask myself what the world needs, ask myself what makes me come alive."  - Darius Barazandeh

Success in Life Quotes

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." - Stephen R. Covey

"There’s power when there’s two or more gathered." - Wendy Robbins

"Do your feared thing first."  - Robert Allen

"Say yes to your worry or fear....Welcome the worry up." - Larry Crane

"Own your friggin' power. " - T. Harv Eker

"I can’t change something that has already happened." - Larry Crane

"The windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason. - Sam Crowley

"If I want a different result, I need to change my conditioning of what I expect."  - John Assaraf

“Helping or hurting….Garbage in garbage stays”- Sam Crowley

"Success leaves traces." - Armand Morin

"I can either shrink and be small or learn my way out."  - Chris Howard

"The thing that you think you can't do may be the thing you're born to do" - Peggy McColl

"I need to have my purpose bigger than my barriers."  - Chris Howard

"If I don’t become successful, the world is robbed of my gift." - Scott Martineau
"Say YES to your potential." - Skip Ross

You are AWESOME!

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