John is an amazing man - was one of those who participated in the movie and book "The Secret." He knows his stuff when it comes to the science of the brain. You can hear this call or take advantage of his special at
You Wealth - I need to show to God that I can use this time on earth in a way that serves so this life makes a difference – I give as much of myself as I can and others can win – there’s nothing that occurs except from within – we will NEVER outperform our self-image –
How can we change from the inside out our self-image and how we can give back?
MY results today are based on things I’ve done or haven’t, thought or haven’t, learned or haven’t.
When I believe it, that’s when I’ll see it and DO it. We can let go of old beliefs now with retraining our brains. He’s writing a book of the neuroscience of success and it will come out in 2011 or 2012.
98% of our thought and behavioral patterns are habitual
Very little of what we do each day is based on intention
Draw a circle and line in middle – top half of circle put goals, dreams, vision and 2% next to that – below the line, daily conditioning and programming – beliefs and habits reside here – we HAVE to change ABOVE the line – that is what’s CAUSING below the line habits
Take control of the Implicit Memory Center – non-declorative (you can’t declare what you want – procedural part of the brain) – IF I WANT A DIFFERENT RESULT, I NEED TO CHANGE MY CONDITIONING OF WHAT I EXPECT –
Everything is made up of energy and change is energy’s only constant – we don’t like to change and evolve though that’s how everything works –
We rationalize (rational lies) to get back to our comfort zone – to change our success, we have to change the thermostat in us – comfort zone is what we’ve gotten used to
Light the “pilot light” brain to make a goal, we actually quiet the doubts & fears
We need to create another neurocurcuit (to achieve better results): 1. Set aside conscious mind – listen to affirmations with eyes closed in alpha, delta, or gamma brain wave (right now, we’re in Beta brain waves) and I start to create a new pattern in the brain – I am NOT my thoughts or my brain – I can release the bullying going on in my own brain - hypnosis, 2. Do them on my own with meditation or with technology There are many processes that work – NLP, EFT, etc.
Inuition – everything vibrates a frequency – everything causes and energy moves – so if we’re thinking of someone simultaneously they can feel vibration and may think about calling us on the phone –
Money is NEVER a problem – it’s the effect – you MUST get rid of the seed (things that you ARE thinking or aren’t thinking that isn’t bringing money into our life)
The universe does what it does with maximum efficiently at the perfect time, on time, every time – maybe you’re let go from a job because you secretly wanting to be let go since you aren’t passionate about it – do something I’m passionate about - find someone making money at it already
4 ways to get money – many are looking to invest their money
1. Borrow, 2. Defer payment, 3. Hire out (delegate what I don’t want to do), 4. Partner with them (they invest and you get it done)
When you change the way you look at something, the thing you look at changes
WE set our own value – What am I worth?
Are you interested in becoming a millionaire or are you COMMITTED?
If committed, you’ll have a relentless decision and you’ll do WHATEVER it takes – if not, you’ll take shortcuts and do what’s convenient for you
The very thing I think makes me less of a person is the EXACT thing I am here to do
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