His website is: http://www.robertgallen.com/
Robert Allen is also an author and wrote Nothing Down, coauthored Secrets of the Millionaire Mind as well as other books. He also has a team of people who host Enlightened Wealth Institute seminars all around the country, quarterly, in a city near you. I am a Network Marketer, so I never thought that the Real Estate investing guy could motivate me.
I have the CD "Empowering Yourself and Your Downline" which I was listening to this morning. The things he said were very powerful to me and I think they can help you as well. These things can apply to any number of businesses, no only Network Marketing. They can apply to children and adults alike.
He mentions how many people don't like to talk on the phone and asks how we can turn it around. He tells a story of probably how many people think that the person on the other line is probably more successful and better groomed than they are. When we call them, we imagine they'll answer the phone annoyed at us for calling. Instead, picture (whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter - it's a mental game we need to play if our work involves talking on the phone) the person on the other line waiting, praying and anxious for your call. They need the product or service you have to offer and are willing to pay the price (whether financial or time) you charge for it. Your product or service is worth it and they see the value of it.
On a similar note, if someone calls you a loser, just think to yourself, "I'm a winner." If someone calls you a jerk, or any other of the numerous negative names people can call you, just say something to yourself like, Because _ called me _ is WHY I'm a winner," or "They just don't know what a winner I am." Turn whatever negative people say to you into a postitive. If someone rejects your product or service, you can think, "They simply don't understand how beneficial it is for them," or "What could I have done better to help them see the value of my product or service?"
Basically, whatever negative situation you have in your business, change the story that's going on in your head about it. What's positive about it? Did you meet someone you'd like to be a part of your life? What can you learn from it? How can it help you "Fail Forward (John C. Maxwell)" instead of just fail?
Do you have a pain in your body that just won't go away? Are you depressed about your life? Are your relationships not going the way you desire? Do you not have any romantic relationships but want one? CHANGE YOUR MIND - what's good about it? What can you learn about being in this position?
To check out some of his books, Search Amazon.com for Robert Allen
Another thing he talked about that I want to mention very quickly is "Do Your Feared Thing First." If you are completely fearless, do your most necessary thing that you really don't want to but need to thing first. I tried it this morning and I feel so much more free and light today. Try it; you'll like it. Feel free to share with me your stories about it or let me know other inspirational things you've experienced today.
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