Monday, November 15, 2010

Adam King

updated 11-16-10 - listened to the rest of the webinar and once the special is over, just

Mental Auditory Stimulation - Tessera - You Wealth - Taking care of yourself first and then you have something to benefit to others - Creating a lifestyle for yourself that can really benefit others-

Tessera is a full-fledged breakthrough or you just WON'T get it - it's perspective - many times we learn through books and not experience -

Core thing that will keep you stuck is just learning theory and not through ACTION

We have our joy, creativeness, purpose in the frontal lobe - when problem happens physically, the frontal lobe doesn't really get what's going on.

1. Be IN the moment as if I'm out of my body and into a body completely of perception - me and others
2. Environmental Resistance- When there's something we want, we first have it in our minds we can make it work logically - based on past experience or future projection - then get nervous and stress

Johnathan Height - it's like having an elephant and a rider (conscious-logic and subconscious-emotion) - idea of benefiting ourselves - then elephant says "no, no, no, this isn't what I thought."  then the rider is exhausted tugging on the elephant.  Automatic negative processing

*Adam, That sounds like The Ant and the Elephant the book by Vince Ponce - it's ALL about the Ant trying to train the Elephant*

The duality is necessary in life

When we focus on our body is when we get the constraints

Tessera – simulation – mind can only focus on one thing at a time – like a movie – mind wants to know what’s happening next – simulation of things you don’t need to do in your life but fear won’t let you and after you go through it in your brain, you can do it in the physical

People has to come to their own conclusion

Gestalt – feel EVERYTHING and be in the moment – become aware of your body sensations – go into the grocery store and look at everything – colors, shelves – questioning thoughts and sensations and feelings – bring it back to a centered awareness
Environment brings awareness –

There is no separation – the key is to be aware of HOW I separate – we want to create certainty –

9 Principles of Suffering that Keep People Stuck
1. Survival codes – “act of logic coming to false conclusions about what is a threat and what is not” - Put body first and spirit second- you don’t understand people as well with filters or be aware of what’s causing people to be upset
2. Duality – self center of experience instead of experience center of self
3. Swayed identity – identity is cultivated by others and not our values– make decisions -
4. Environmental Resistance
5. Automatic Negative Processing
6. Doubt – loss of clarity
7. Distraction
8.Confabulation – creating a false past on a future outcome – act of defending our opinion, even if it’s wrong – filling in the blanks of our own facts – we do what we think other people believe we should do – “If I were you, I’d do…”
9. Fundamental Attribution – we internalize faults of others and externalize OUR faults – we think what others do is their fault and problems we have are others faults

If you can’t make it about others, it won’t work – become the kind of person people are looking for

If I want to change, change my environment

WE create our own suffering

Be aware of our value – be grateful for what we have and simplify what we don’t need


  1. Thank you Lisa for your time and attention to share this with good and let the divine spirit guides you.
    all best
