Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bradley Nelson

Brad's website is:

Some of it is paraphrased, some of it (in *s) is my own thought and how I'll apply it in my life.

True wealth comes from the heart – “UNLOCK the heart” – Think of an emotion and a vibration – every emotion has a certain frequency – my body is full of infinitesimally small energies in tight formation –

When we feel an intense emotion, our body takes on a different vibration – trapped emotion is a little ball of energy that distorts the energy field that ends up distorting the body – or as Bob Proctor would call dis-ease in the body

This trapped emotion is invisible but is VERY real

*From what my mom said is I’ve always had an anger issue – that MUST be a trapped emotion in my body that I MUST let free if I’m going to have the success I know I can have – maybe once I release the anger in my life, that will be the gift I can give to the world, somehow.*

*I KNOW something is stuck in my throat – many times that I feel stress in my life I feel it in my thoat, and sometimes it’s in my head, and sometimes it’s in my chest*

The heart stores energy bundles – trapped emotional energy can store around the heart – it’s where my core of my being feels the assault of energy – Brad thinks it’s related to subconscious mind – it’s where creativity is stored – sometimes we put up a wall around our heart – we might feel isolated from other people

When people say you should follow your heart – true abundance comes from unlocking the heart and allowing the song I was meant to sing out into the world
When the wall around my heart is removed, the true pure essence of who I am starts attracting in my life.  This removes what I am not to reveal who I truly am.

May be symptoms of a blocked heart: neck, upper back, shoulder problems, if I feel numb, if I feel disconnected, if I’ve had a divorce

How to test if I have a blocked heart: body sways forward if you ask yourself if you have a blocked heart or make the statement “I have a heart block”  - if body sways backward, it means no.

Our TRUE nature is ABUNDANCE – this is our birthright

When heart is unlocked, things happen so naturally

I need to identify trapped emotions –

I can heal by proxy (make sure I ask them first)

Is my blocked emotion in my neck?  Where?  Do I need to know more about where this came from?

To take off multiple layers: Jawbreakers – heart wall made of different layers of emotion

Until I finally forgive, I can never be FREE!

If you'd like to attend one of his AMAZING seminars and see him teach live, click here

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