Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ann Taylor

Ann was a successful stock broker for 12 years, but just felt inside that she needed to change directions in her life.  She now does healing with groups and individuals.  Her website is:

Again, most of this is paraphrased from the two webinars she did, unfortunately no longer available, on You Wealth Revolution

There are many things I could write about Ann's calls, but they were mostly about healing, so I'm going to tell you to the best of my ability the words she used while she was praying the healing words on people.

“Thank you God as God miraculously heals …. (100% of the negative thoughts you have about money and have had since the day you were conceived…the negative charge and all the negative memories that you’re bringing up now…creates a consciousness and miraculously imprints every strand of DNA and makes that consciousness permanent that empowers you to love yourself…streams passion into my life for the next seven days) that is God’s will for you in the physical brain and estheric brain as it is God’s will for you for all the days that you are on planet earth and for your highest and best good and/or something better.” 

On all of the healings, she repeats similar words over and over (depending on what she's trying to heal, that's why I included the "..." - those were some of the things she tried to heal while on the two calls).  She prays out negatives.  These memories just disappear after praying them out of the person.  What she does is called “clearings” or when she's trying to get you to believe something positive, she calls those "imprintings."

She and I both want you to believe that YOU ARE AWESOME!

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